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Migration is the movement of people from one place to______ another
There are two main types of migration namely ____ National and International migration.
The movement of people from one country to another is known as _____International OR External Migration.
The movement of people from one place to another in the same country is known as _____ National OR Internal Migration.
The movement of people from one rural area to another rural area is known as ______ Rural-Rural Migration.
The movement of people from rural areas to urban areas is known as _____ Rural-Urban Migration.
The movement of people from one urban area to another urban area is known as ______ Urban-Urban Migration.
Some reasons why people migrate are_________
To look for jobs
To look for greener pastures for their _____ animals.
To look for fertile soil to cultivate some ____ crops
To enjoy social amenities not found in their areas.
Transfer of workers by the government.
Business transactions
Seeking University Education
Running away from witchcraft.
Medical facilities like good hospitals.
Some consequences of migration are______
Old people left in the villages may not be able to work and feed themselves. This leads to _____ hunger
The towns become overcrowded.
Some rural areas become abandoned.
It may lead to pollution and health problems.
Some activities and attractions of the rural area include____
animal rearing
traditional ceremonies and festivals
low level of pollution
Some problems of the rural areas are _______
Lack of farm to market roads,
Lack of pipe-borne water
Traditional religion practices
High level of illiteracy
Lack of electricity
Lack of communication facilities
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