Farming Revision Quiz
Read our General Knowledge Revision e-book.
The stages followed in the cultivation of crops are______ clearing, tilling, hoeing, manuring, planting weeding, mulching, and harvesting.
A system of farming where a piece of land is cultivated year in year out or every year is known as _________ crop rotation
In agriculture, the practice of growing a single crop year after year on the same land is known as _________ Monocroping.
Three common monocultures are _____________ Maize, soybeans, and wheat.
A single crop repeatedly grown on the same land is called _______________a monoculture.
A system of farming where a piece of land after cultivation for one or two years is allowed to gain its fertility is known as ____ shifting cultivation.
Shifting cultivation is also known as _________ bush following
In Shifting cultivation or bush following, plots of land are cultivated temporarily, then allowed for vegetation to freely grow while the cultivator moves on to __________ another plot.
The oldest system of farming where many crops are cultivated on the same piece of land at the same time is known as _____ mixed cropping
Mixed cropping is also known as ___________ intercropping.
A process by which farmers produce crops and rear livestock simultaneously to ensure sustainable agriculture __________ mixed farming.
A system that involves the growing of the same type of crops on the same piece of land every year is known as ______ continues cropping.
An advantage of this system is that __________1. It is normally practiced where there is a scarcity of land and a dense population. 2. where environmental conditions limit the type of crops that can be cultivated in that area.
In this system, a lot has to be done by the farmer to improve the Fertility of the soil by ________ the addition of organic and inorganic manure.
The planting of perennial crops such as cocoa, coffee, or tea is known as _______ permanent cropping.
Examples of permanent crops are _________ all fruit trees, all citrus fruit trees, all nut trees, all berry plantations, all vineyards, and all olive trees.
Some common farm records are _______ farm dairy, crop record, manure record, farm inventory book, and the farm cash book.
Some common farm tools include ______ spades, cutlass, hoes, Dig axe, shovel, rake, pickaxe, etc
Modern farmers have a huge range of equipment options for the various activities they do on an annual basis. Some Farming Vehicles are:
Anything added to the soil to increase its fertility is called ____________ manure
Two main kinds of manure are ___________organic and inorganic Manure.
Kinds of organic manure are______ green manure, farm yard manure, and compost manure.
Inorganic manure is commonly known as ______ Fertilizers
General Knowledge Revision On Farming
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Farming And Farm Produce
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