Sentence Patterns on greetings, self introduction and introducing others.
The first things to do when learning a new language is trying to speak, speak, and speak. Converse and converse with it. Do much on one to one conversation. With a vocabulary of about 100 words, converse more with those who already know how to speak the set language. Master several common sentence patterns in it. Give more time to it. Print and revise your lessons. Keep practicing in your head, and don’t be ashamed to make a lot of mistakes. This lesson will help you to use common sentence patterns in the Nkwen language. Check below for many more speaking lessons and sentence patterns in the Nkwen language.
Sentence Patterns on greetings, self introduction and introducing others. Pictures and Names of Insects
Nkwen Language; Greetings Parts of the body in Nkwen Language
Greetings in Nkwen language 1. Good morning. How are you? welcome. good afternoon.
Nkwen Language; Greetings Parts of the body in Nkwen Language
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Nkwen Language; Introducing Others Nkwen Language Past Tense
Introducing others in Nkwen Language 2 Introducing others. Mastering The Alphabet 1, 2 and 3; Enabling Reading For Slow Learners E-book Series
Nkwen Language Lessons
#Nkwenlanguageschemeofwork #longdivisionwithandwithoutremainder #TheFutureTenseinNkwenLanguage #PasttenseinNkwenLanguage #NounsinNkwenLanguage #AddingNumbersInColumnsPlaceValue #MasteringTheAlphabet2 #ThedsoundinNkwenLanguage #WithhighcombatonCOVID19thefutureseemspromisingAdvantagesofCOVID19 #ThepresentTenseinNkwenLanguage #CornFufuandNjyamanjyamaAfricanDishRecipeandPreparation