The /a/ is a vowel in Nkwen Language. It comes mostly at the initial and medial positions in some words. It also features at the final position in names and mostly in words modified by the glottal stop or the long /ar/ sound. It is also a pronoun for “He/she”. Examples:
A a
àkaŋә̀ a pan
àkoŋә̀ an umbrella
àkenә̀ a trench
Àzɛ’ɛ̀ – a name (m)
àbàˀà a door
àbàà – a bag
Talà – a name (m)
Ngǝlà – a name (f)
Ngǝla’à – a name (f)
àlǝ̀ŋә a chair
àliliŋә a bat
àfùfùˀù a cockroach
ànkarә̀ a burnt ridge
àfә̀fàrә̀ a weaver bird
àzuˀù a yam
àdzò a plum
àzarә̀ a funnel
àtsaŋә̀ prison
àshìshì thread
Àzεˀὲ nyεˀε àbàˀà, àliliŋә darә nku ndya. Àzuˀu dzwi mәmә̀ ǹtò ma Lә̀mә̀ à toŋә nә ànkarә̀ zhi. À bә kwurә azuˀu zhi nә àdzò tiˀi mitә tatә atsә̀ˀә zhi nә àshìshì.
Free Translation
Azeh has opened the door and a bat has flown into the house. There are yams in the pot that Lem has harvested from her burnt ridge. After eating her yams with plums, she will stitch her dress with thread.
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